Should you invest in an endowment policy to save tax as is so often recommended?
The answer lies in understanding the difference between your MARGINAL and EFFECTIVE tax rates.
The taxman allows certain deductions which impact on the income tax you pay each year.
Some of the more common ones that are applicable to most individuals include:– Individual rebates. These increase with age. Under 65. 65>75. Older than 75 – Medical tax credits which include payments for medical aid premiums and other medical costs. – Interest income allowance. – Capital Gains Tax allowance.
The table below summarizes the case study by illustrating how the exact same income, for 3 individuals of different ages, would be taxed in practice.
You will note that each individual has the same marginal tax rate, but the older you get the more deductions you are allowed. This reduces the amount of income tax you pay.
The amount of tax you actually pay as a proportion of your income is called your EFFECTIVE TAX RATE.
The EFFECTIVE RATE of tax is significantly lower than the MARGINAL RATE.
In fact the tax paid by someone who is 75 years old is R2,655 per month less than a 64 year old. That’s almost R32,000 per year.
This would not be the case if your money was invested in an endowment.
How much income would it take to get to an effective tax rate of 30% in your personal capacity?
About R1,350,000 of income. This is a marginal rate of 41% by the way.
Anything below that number would mean you pay more income tax in an endowment structure than if you held the investments in your personal capacity.
Estate planning
For completeness, an endowment can be useful as an estate planning tool, and I am not implying you should never own one. But that is a potential topic for another time.
Just be sure if you do own an endowment, it is doing the job you intended it to do!
*Assumptions in the tax calculations: An income of R514,500 plus interest income of R40,000 per year. Medical aid premiums of R8,800 per month with R2,000 in additional medical expenses.