If there is only one single concept you put the effort into learning about then make it compound interest
Ideas About Money
This original content is my way of sharing ideas and concepts which I believe will help you to make a success of your financial life. You will get insight into how I think and consequently what I focus on trying to do well when helping you to reach your objectives.
Reach out if you have any questions on the above or need help making progress in your financial life.
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Learn about the in’s and outs of using a robo-advisor to your best advantage
Assumption Risk
All plans by definition make assumptions about the future. If you want a plan to be useful best you make the assumptions reasonable.
Framework for financial success
What you invest in should reflect the importance of the goal and the severity of failure on your overall financial success.
Contributing to your own success
Initiating your investment strategy by choosing the “desired” contribution level that you would like to make towards your investment goal is a little like starting a fitness regime by choosing the amount of exercise you would ideally like to do to get to your perfect target weight. Let’s face…
Asset Location
How your investments are taxed has a massive impact on your investment returns. The role of the asset manager Some of the most common statements I hear when first discussing wealth strategies or investment planning are: “My money is with Allan Gray!” or “Coronation looks after my investments!” These…
Trader or Investor
We are emotional beings and fewer events bring a swifter call to action than the possibility or indeed the reality of “losing” money in a market downturn. In fact because we are emotional beings we tend to fear a loss far more than we enjoy a profit – This makes…
Don’t faff about
If you are a regular reader of some of the more prominent financial websites you will be aware that there is some real animosity towards “financial advisors”. Apparently collectively we have little ability to identify our gluteus maximus’ from our olecranon process’. 1 However, the term financial advisor captures a…
Win the lottery
Almost all of us have dreamt of winning the lottery. The idea of such a windfall inspires our imaginations to conjure up all manner of possibilities. Most fantasies probably involve some combination of less work, more travel and probably a “few” material purchases. Not that many of us would want…
Goal Based Investing
There is a new buzz-phrase doing the wealth management rounds at the moment. And like most catch-phrases it comes with its own acronym, G-B-I for Goal Based Investing. One of the larger financial institutions penned a recent article hailing this as the ‘future of financial planning”. That all sounds pretty…