We urge you to read our write-up which delves into the pros and cons of a robo-advisor. Includes loads of good additional linked content to brush up on your knowledge too…
Why combine with White Investments?
Robo-advisors need accurate inputs to make your strategy useful – Rubbish in means rubbish out.
Robo-advisors will not adjust your strategy automatically when your needs or requirements change or be able to help you understand how changes impact on your planning process.
The role of a good investment advisor is not to try and choose the best performing funds or products. Their role is to understand your needs and match those to funds or products that will work accurately towards genuinely achieving your goals.
Robo-advisors will not be there to help you manage your behavioural risks when markets react outside of your expectations.
You cannot pick up the phone and speak with a robo-advisor to understand your portfolio.