Financial success begins with creating order in your personal finances.

It is tempting to skip this part because it is not technical and we all know what we need to do right? Well why are are we so bad at doimg it then?

Knowing what to do and actually doing them is often harder than we think.

This workshop focuses on getting you to the point where you have something to save and invest, and which importantly allows you to keep it invested.

Find out:

  • How to get to the point where you have something to work with.
  • How and when to use debt.
  • Key concepts and habits to understand and apply.
  • How to monitor and measure your progress.

*T&C’s apply

In the latest instalment of our “Concepts that can change your life…” series we consider a simple recipe for personal financial success which all too often carries a stigma around it…


The first step to creating wealth is actually having some money to invest. Somewhat annoyingly this means that you actually need to spend less than you earn. It may not be easy but it is worth it!!

Since spending is public and saving is private we all tend to see what our friends and family are doing in terms of houses, cars, holidays but we have no idea how their retirement savings pot looks or if their personal balance sheet actually has any assets they own.

Focus on your journey and your story as all else will be meaningless decades from now. 

At White Investments we are all about focusing on the things that matter. We deliver investment solutions that actually help you reach your goals…..your financial future does not improve as a result of fancy offices, large teams, glossy marketing brochures. Your portfolio grows because we care about your outcome, we focus on delivering results through accurate and targeted investment solutions delivered in the most cost efficient manner with the greatest degree of certainty that we can…. If you are not a DIY investor you should seriously have a chat with us just to make sure your existing plan has less of the “frills” and more of the “results” focus….

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It is not the drill that we want but the hole.

It is not the investment itself that has value, but rather what that investment allows or achieves which is most valuable.