Time is wealth. It is incredibly valuable. But there are other forms of wealth too.
My business (White Investments) is about trying to help and encourage you to ‘Make it Count’ at various levels.
Your life – Your time -Your money -Your effort
Since money is a part of everyday life, helping people get to grips and progress in their financial life is directly linked to how they experience their real life.
I think the concept of ‘ Making it Count’ probably evolves as we move through life stages. Our wealth, health, free time and choices change. This in turn changes how much of each resource we are willing to exchange for the other.
I have had a number of conversations over the last couple of weeks which have made me reflect on some of these changes again.
From a 73-year old man who regularly out shines me while doing some swim training in the mornings (Health is also wealth) – “I was down in PE over the weekend. My brother-in-law passed away. He was 66, having been diagnosed with cancer just two weeks ago. Too young to go!”
A 52-year old friend who’s son has just got his drivers license in the UK (Wealth is time with loved ones) – “I actually have no idea where the last 10 years have gone.”
A 45-year old friend who makes really great money but sacrifices most of her time and increasingly her health, on making that money – “I need to invest more with you so I can have an end in sight. I want an exit strategy – what must I do?”
I certainly don’t have it all worked out and I have made more than my fair share of mistakes.
But we learn through our mistakes and by listening to the experiences and perspectives of others.
We can call money management what we like but at the end of the day it’s really about feeling like we are spending our limited resources wisely, especially our TIME.
Getting old is a privilege not enjoyed by everyone.
Getting old is not for sissies as my in-laws frequently remind me.
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