Embracing imperfection in investments sounds like a bad idea. But there is method in the madness. 

The cult of the imperfect

The acceptance that good enough, something that gets the job done, is a far better than waiting to get things perfectly right.

What’s the idea

The idea is attributed to Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, who pioneered the development of the early radar. His system was instrumental in detecting airplanes ahead of time. It contributed to the Royal Air Force’s 1940 victory at the Battle of Britain.

When justifying his choice of a non-optimal frequency for his radar, he apparently said;  “Give them (the military) the third-best option to go on with; the second-best comes too late, [and] the best never comes”.

In other words, giving the air force an imperfect radar system still enabled them to scramble fighters to intercept German bombers, helping to win the aerial war over UK soil in WWII.

Why it matters

At White Investments I create solutions designed to help you have confidence that everything will be okay.

Experience has taught me I will get things wrong.  I will need to adjust. But waiting for the perfect time, the perfect solution or the perfect investment just leads to procrastination.

I know that perfect does not exist. But I also know how to work with you, to co-create a solution that will give you the best chance of getting the job done!

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Embracing imperfection in investments sounds like a bad idea. But there is method in the madness. 

The cult of the imperfect

The acceptance that good enough, something that gets the job done, is a far better than waiting to get things perfectly right.

What’s the idea

The idea is attributed to Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, who pioneered the development of the early radar. His system was instrumental in detecting airplanes ahead of time. It contributed to the Royal Air Force’s 1940 victory at the Battle of Britain.

When justifying his choice of a non-optimal frequency for his radar, he apparently said;  “Give them (the military) the third-best option to go on with; the second-best comes too late, [and] the best never comes”.

In other words, giving the air force an imperfect radar system still enabled them to scramble fighters to intercept German bombers, helping to win the aerial war over UK soil in WWII.

Why it matters

At White Investments I create solutions designed to help you have confidence that everything will be okay.

Experience has taught me I will get things wrong.  I will need to adjust. But waiting for the perfect time, the perfect solution or the perfect investment just leads to procrastination.

I know that perfect does not exist. But I also know how to work with you, to co-create a solution that will give you the best chance of getting the job done!

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Your future becomes your present…

A plan is simply a way to bring your future into the present so you can do something about it.