What brought you here today?

Apprehension around big life events and their impact on your finances, can be key triggers for seeking help.

Understanding your reason for visiting this site today, is key to  me understanding how best to be helpful. 

We all move through life’s journey with different experiences. Marriage and divorce. Birth of a child or loss of a loved one. It could be changing jobs, starting a business or transitioning to working less.

These are huge events and the added burden of dealing with the financial impacts can quickly make them feel overwhelming.

Big life events can trigger big concerns:

  • I don’t feel in control of my finances. What can I do?
  • Where do I even begin this process?
  • Will I have enough?
  • Is my investment strategy still right for the changes I am going through? 
  • Am I missing any major blind-spots in my approach here?
  • I don’t usually deal with the money side of things. HELP!
No one wants a financial plan. Every one wants to know they will be okay.

What can I do for you?

  • Relieve the immediate pressure of focusing on your finances. You can focus on life. 
  • Help you to take a step back, to slow down & articulate your needs.
  • Provide you with a proven & practical framework through which to evaluate your current position, prioritise your needs and make the progress you need. 
  • Break your plan down into easily digestible action points. Identify what to take care of immediately, near-term and longer-term. 
  • Create a clear path forward that incorporates different planning scenarios & investment strategies.  
  • Provide you with input, options, answers & support. How you need it, when you need it most.

How I work with you

You will be working with me through a thorough process that is fully focused on helping you to reduce uncertainty and increase your confidence that you have your bases well covered. 

Working meaningfully in this way requires a personalised service with a high level of engagement. 

When done well, this takes time and will involve some investment on your side. (Both time and financial)

You will be charged a pre-agreed fee for the service you choose to receive. Full transparency always.

My professional fee-based approach works to provide comfort that the guidance you receive is entirely independent of product sales or other conflicts of interest with service providers. Paying a fee for a quality service is your acknowledgement of the value inherent in the planning process itself.

I am a solo-advisor that uses technology, external collaborations (where appropriate) and platform or administration partners to deliver a high quality service. 

My skills, knowledge and experience are covered on my Linked-In profile. I acknowledge that this all means very little if I don’t use those powers for good. 

I intend to help you achieve your chosen outcomes and expect to be measured on that. 

What others say about my service.
Don't take my word for it. What do others say?

Service Options & Cost

I have designed this business to allow you to choose what service you value, how you want it delivered, and consequently how you are charged for it. 

You will pay only for what you value.

Engage with me at an hourly rate when it suits or have me work on an ongoing basis for you. 

Your three main service options are:

White Investments Service Options

Option A : Full Service

The ‘Full Service’ charges a once-off upfront fee for a fully comprehensive plan. You will then be charged a monthly fee for ongoing service. This is the perfect option if you want to work with someone how and when you need,.

Option B:Once-off upfront fee

Option B is a fee-based advice service that allows you to break down the comprehensive plan into component parts or as a whole. It will suit you if you want to manage your solution on an ongoing basis yourself . You will pay the hourly rate to engage and get input when you choose in future.  An indication of the time and therefore the cost is given in our fee disclosure below. 

Option C: Pay-by-the-hour

The ‘Consultation at the hourly rate’ service  by definition does not include any analysis, planning or advice. It is an opportunity to access my experience & knowledge as a sounding board or to get any specific questions answered from a factual perspective. 

I don’t aim to be the cheapest but I do aim to be at the top of the pile when it comes to value for what you receive in return.


I am officially licensed to provide the financial services that I offer. You can confirm this by contacting the FSCA and checking the authorisation status of Financial Service Provider (FSP) 43618.

You can also review my required Disclosure Notice which is the regulators way of making sure I tell you all the relevant ‘hard facts’ about the business.

It will unfortunately not tell you whether I am authentic, offer a great service, genuinely have your best interests at heart or are any good at what I say I am.

For that you should probably have a chat with me to ask any burning questions or simply find out if what I do will work for you. No advice but initial call is no charge & no obligation.

White Investments - happily walking into the sunset.

It is not the drill that we want but the hole.

It is not the investment itself that has value, but rather what that investment allows or achieves which is most valuable.